The written story (text) for Lab 10/14 (Sight-Sound-Story) will be due at the end of lab this week (Tuesday or Thursday, depending on you section).

Your story is a feature. It should a soft lead (anecdotal, teaser or scenic/descriptive).

Please consider the following pattern for your story:

  • Start with a soft lede, followed by your …
  • First quote
  • Nut graph (why the reader is reading the story now)
  • Supporting information
  • Second quote
  • Meaning (impact on reader)
  • Context, if necessary
  • Third quote
  • Conclusion: Go back to the beginning (this is your lasting impression of the information you have gathered; you can finish with a quote, but it must have a set-up. You may also be looking forward to the future)

Make sure that your story has a focus or a theme; that is, it must have a main point for the reader.

Please edit your story carefully and then proofread for spelling, capitalization and punctuation.

At the bottom of your story, provide a source list (names of all interviewees, plus their mobile numbers and email addresses).

If you are making a video, you need to turn in a verbatim script of your video or a detailed description of your video—telling who you interviewed and where you interviewed them; giving their contact information; explaining why you made the film the way you did; and providing a sense of why you have ordered it the way you have.

Remember the visual and audio component is due at the end of lab next week.